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Rev. bras. plantas med ; 15(3): 405-414, 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-684158


O cultivo orgânico é preconizado para o capim-limão (Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf.) como planta medicinal promissora ao desenvolvimento de fármacos no Brasil. Objetivou-se avaliar técnicas de controle de plantas invasoras sobre componentes de produção de capim limão em cultivos orgânico e convencional. Dois experimentos foram instalados sob delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial 2x2x3, considerando-se duas áreas (orgânico e convencional) e os tratamentos combinando cobertura morta (presente e ausente) e técnicas de controle de plantas invasoras (capina manual, roçada e nenhuma). Altura, perfilhamento, teor e rendimento total de óleo essencial de capim-limão no cultivo orgânico foram superiores ao convencional, mas a produtividade de biomassa aérea seca não diferiu entre ambos. A capina, com ou sem cobertura morta, favoreceu o rendimento de óleo no cultivo orgânico.

Organic farming is recommended for lemongrass as a promising medicinal plant for drug development in Brazil. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the effect of the techniques to control weed on the plant height, tillering, biomass productivity, content and yield of the essential oil of lemon grass in organic and conventional crops. Two experiments were set in a completely randomized design with four replications, at a 2x2x3 factorial scheme, considering two areas (organic and conventional) and treatments combining mulching (present and absent) and weed control techniques (hoeing, skimming and none). Plant height, tillering, content and yield of the essential oil of lemongrass were better in the organic crop, but the biomass productivity did not differ between both areas. The biomass production was better in the conventional crop as to weed control, with or without mulching, and for organic crop under hoeing or skimming with mulching. Hoeing or skimming with no mulching improved the oil content in organic crops. Hoeing or skimming with mulching was better than any other weed control technique with no mulching, and hoeing was better than skimming, justifying its recommendation as a technique for this crop system.

Cymbopogon/growth & development , Agriculture/methods , Organic Agriculture/methods , Weed Control/instrumentation